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Rail road workers were using first pocket watch
Pocket watch are worn by the people who work in railways because once train engineer met with an accident his watch accidentally stopped for few minutes with a short period of time.
Waltham and Elgin are the two manufacturers they are famous in producing pocket watch and they produce less pocket watches but they produce good quality pocket watch watch like [URL =] Michael Kors [/ URL], [URL =] Michael Kors Watches [/ URL ], [URL =] safetykn95.com [/ URL], [URL =] Tissot Watches [/ URL], [URL =] Tissot Watches for sale[/ URL] and they have wide range of collection and design in them and pocket watch was introduced in 16 century and you can buy gold watch antique one for low price and also it comes with good quality and condition. rail road watch are durable and they are made up of good quality material and also if you have them you can remember the your ancestors past life and next came the standard one in the rail road pocket watch they had standard railroad pocket watch comes with an accuracy of 30 secs and they have white dial in the center and surrounded by some jewels and numbers that are in Arabic language this pocket watch can compensate temperature range and also size .since it had Arabic numbers inside the dial some rail road workers they could not follow and they could not understand that Arabic numeral, so these pocket watches they came with roman numeral and these type of numerals railroad workers can understand and, this watches could also measure temperature because of this the watches were affected by heat and cold and event the watch position was a affected, and they had five different types of adjustment positions. And these rail road pocket watch as they were famous so they had to satisfy the standards that are according to the general timepiece. ... In modern days there are some people who collect them as antique and are collected as antique because of this the price value of these pocket watches have been increased and you can use this type of watches for many centuries and also you can get different type of pocket watches such as silver pocket watch, gold silver pocket watches and these type of watches they come in different designs that are covered on top of the watch and back of the watch. even there are vintage pocket watches and these were invented many years ago but they were popular during 20 th century and these type of watches were worn by the famous people .there are two types of watches one with open faced does not have any layer to cover on top and other one is hunter case where this comes with cover or lid so that you can protect the watch from dust and scratches.
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